Rare loans from Hermitage Museum

The Art Newspaper-  This year's top prize went to surprise winner The Square, a Swedish film about the sometimes bonkers art world and how we can best help others.Cannes has seen dozens of film premieres and pa...

Evelyne Huet

Prelud to the Afternoon of a Faun, 2016, digital + Diasec Plexi/Plexi, edition 1/3, 47’’ x 33” Urban Violence, 2015, digital + Diasec Plexi/Plexi, edition 1/3, 47’’ x 33” Thoughts under the blue Burqas...

See the Work of a Japanese Video Art Pioneer

Hyperalergic - In the opening of Ko Nakajima’s film “Mt. Fuji” (1984), you feel like you’re inside a Mt. Fuji–themed Rubik’s cube. Images of Japan’s highest mountain in different seasons and at different times ...