How American Gothic Became an Icon

BBC - Could the painting possibly be a paean, even in its mildly ironic way, to small-town America, to those simple, decent values ascribed to the US heartland? Or is it, as so often assumed, a straightforward ...

The Lifespan of Bauhaus Utopianism

Hyperallergic - PARIS — L’Esprit du Bauhaus (“The Bauhaus Spirit”) is a serenely spirited show that reintroduces us to the many and enduring innovations of Walter Gropius’s German art school. As many of the thi...

Hilda Kleyn

Deep Purple, 2016, oil on canvas, 39"x 39" Earth, 2016, oil on canvas, 39" x 39" Fall, 2016, oil on canvas, 20"x 20" Grey, Fall, 2016, oil on canvas, 39"x 39" Move, 39" x 31" Purple, 2016, ...