The Allure of Self-Taught Art

Smithsonian Magazine -  In the beginning, the weathervanes pointed the way. While scouring antique shops in the 1970s, Margaret Z. Robson purchased rustic, handmade barn toppers along with other handmade bits o...

Yves Leterrier

Beautés émouvantes des mondes flottants I, 2020, collage, 14.17” x 12.9” Beautés émouvantes des mondes flottants I, 2021, oil on linen canvas, 45.6” x 31.8” La Lune est gentile mais elle est capricieus...

Sandra Guy

Make the Change, 2015, oil on linen, 19.6” x 23.6”  Reduce Speed, oil on linen, 28.7" x 66.9" Casuarina Coles Construction, 2017, oil on linen, 11.8”  x 11.8” Casuarina Development, 2022, oil on li...


JUST LANDED, print on canvas + spray on canvas, 105 cm x 152 cm RULES, Collage, acrylic on canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm CASINO, print on canvas, 150 cm x 112 cm ABSOLUT, acrylic on canvas, 30 cm x 40cm ...