Interior Design - Freedom to absorb is a core belief of all projects by Assume Vivid Astro Focus, the artist collective led by Brazilian Eli Sudbrack ...
The New York Times - After perusing “Embracing the Contemporary: The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Collection” at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, a bi...
The Art Newspaper - François Hollande, the president of France, denounced the destruction of Syria’s cultural heritage in a speech at the Metropolita...
The Guardian - Duglas Rushkoff emerged as a media commentator in 1994 with his first book, Cyberia. His debut examined “the early psychedelic, rave ro...
Financial Times - Proof of a weakened art market is emerging as the auction houses begin to release their figures for the first six months of 2016. Du...
Detroit Metro Times - Lucka, 22, and Cosme, 27, are part of the Raiz Up, a hip-hop collective based in Southwest Detroit that pursues community-buildi...
Vivamus hendrerit, velit et laoreet pretium, enim felis lacinia neque, nec aliquet nunc mauris ut arcu. Praesent vel dui turpis. Morbi mattis turpis s...
Nulla tincidunt scelerisque neque, at porttitor est congue et. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sodales lacus justo, sit amet placerat nibh dictum a. Pr...
Donec ligula eros, ultrices nec suscipit luctus, mollis in nisl. Pellentesque convallis leo non nisi rhoncus rutrum. Fusce ac ultrices risus. Integer ...
Maecenas malesuada, quam non hendrerit aliquet, arcu erat fermentum urna, et scelerisque velit lacus et ipsum. Donec consequat nisi eu eros pharetra, ...